

This endpoint allows you to generate owoified text. To access the /owoify endpoint, you will need to provide the proper authentication using the Authorization header.

Endpoint Details

The /owoify endpoint allows you to retrieve information about a specific owoify.

  • URL: /owoify
  • Method: GET
  • Content Type: application/json


To make requests to the /owoify endpoint, you must include an Authorization header in your API calls. This header should contain a valid access token.

Example Authorization Header

Authorization: YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN

Replace YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN with the actual token provided to you.



The request to the /owoify endpoint should be a JSON object with the following headers:

AuthorizationstringThe unique identifier of the user sending the request.True


These are the request parameters for the /owoify endpoint.

textstringThe text you want to convert into an "owo" language-style format.True

Example Request

Here's an example of how to make a request to the /owoify endpoint.

import axios from "axios";
Replace "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" with the token you got from the Kohai Bot and the endpoint.
const url = "https://waifu.it/api/v4/owoify";
const text = "Hello world"; // Replace with your desired owoify length (optional).
const data = async () => {
  try {
    const { data } = await axios.get(url, { 
      headers: {
        Authorization: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
      params: {
        text: text || undefined,
    return data;
  } catch (err) {
    throw new Error(err.message);

Remember to replace YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN with your actual access token.


The server will respond with an appropriate message based on the input provided. A successfully API request will respond with a JSON object containing the following information:

  • owoify: The owoified that is generated for you.
  • status: Response status

Content Type: application/json

  "text": "Hewwo wowwd"
  "status": 200,

This documentation should help you use axios (opens in a new tab) for Node.js and requests (opens in a new tab) for Python to interact with the /owoify endpoint.